Directed by Barry Baynton

Jack Manningham is slowly, deliberately, driving his wife, Bella, insane.  He has almost succeeded when help arrives in the form of a former detective, Rough, who believes Manningham to be a thief and murderer…  

Jack Manningham          John Sivewright
Bella Manningham          Michelle Barter
Rough                             Bob Rankin
Nancy                             Alyssa Thompson
Elizabeth                        Val Smith
Policeman                      Tom Gladwell

ASM                               Suzanne Viney
                                       Val Mantle
Prompt                           Verna Long
Props                             Dee Hawes
Lighting                          John Hewinson
Sound                            Janine Williams
FOH                               Maxine Masson
Set Design                     Peter Watson
Set Build Co-ordinators Peter Watson
                                      Estelle Hughes